
1. Prepare the Box

 • Acquire a box—a repurposed box or a new one from a craft store work well

 • Remove any labels, using Goo Gone® to get rid of sticky adhesive

 • Prime box and paint, using either acrylic or spray paint
2. Create the Altar Backdrop

 • Decorate all sides of the box

 • Select images such as religious symbols, the Sri Yantra, or the 8 Limbs of 

  Yoga from old calendars and magazines, including yoga magazines. Teens 

  enjoy using words that reflect an intention.

 • Cut out and arrange pictures and words on the box 

 • Set pictures aside

 • Choose the bottom most picture. Turn it upside down on scrap paper, and 

  spread a glue mixture of 2 parts white glue to 1 part water, on the backside 

  using a small foam paint brush

 • Place picture on box

 • Cover with a paper towel to protect the image, and gently press the image 

  down. You can use a roller, your palm or fingers to gently remove air bubbles

 • Repeat until all pictures are in place. Let dry.
3. Add Additional Elements 

 Remember to keep it simple, choosing only those elements which engage  

your heart in feelings of love, kindness, beauty and awe. Possible choices  

could include:

 • Pictures of spiritual teachers

 • Pebbles, stones, shells, glass beads

 • Small Mind Jars, Breath Springs, or Intention Malas can be placed at  

  the altar 

4. Create an Altar Cloth 

 Cut a piece of fabric a bit larger than the size of the opened box. Upholstery 

samples or fabric remnants work well. Use pinking shears, or hem to prevent 


May this creation of an outer altar encourage you in your daily pilgrimage to the 

inner altar of the heart, and the Divine presence within and without.


Rev. Elena Kanti Fritchle serves as Youth and Family Minister at Center for Spiritual Enlightenment. 

Youth Spiritual Education is offered every Sunday morning, in after-school yoga programs, and at 

youth summer camp.