Kriya yoga will spread in all lands, and will aid in the harmonizing of the 

nations through humanity’s personal, transcendental perception of the Infinite


—Mahavatar Babaji’s words spoken to Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920 

Greetings of divine love and peace!


The image for this issue’s front cover is from the recent European Kriya Yoga 

Congress in Arenzano, Italy. Springtime, the coast of the lapis blue Mediterra-

nean Sea, and a gathering of three hundred open-hearted devotees convening to 

study and practice Kriya Yoga—a divine meeting, indeed! I could not help but 

recall the words of Mahavatar Babaji, as I experienced how this ancient spiritual 

science has reached across the globe to unite hearts and minds in Self- and God-

realization. Over the years, the seeds of spiritual awakening have been sown in 

the hearts of receptive devotees by the visits of my guru, Roy Eugene Davis. Now 

many of those seeds of realization have blossomed with teachers and medita-

tion groups in many cities in Italy and throughout Europe. We speak different 

languages, live oceans apart, have different customs, but share a common goal 

to realize the highest Truth of this life, to share the liberating message of Self-

realization with all, and contribute to an awakening world. Visit www.csa-davis.

org to see additional photos from the Congress and learn more about the global 

reach of Kriya Yoga in this tradition. 

This issue of Enlightenment Journal is focused on the greatest of life’s bless-

ings—meeting one’s spiritual teacher and being given a clear path of awakening 

to follow. You’ll find my story in the opening article and following that, the 

inspired account by my guru of his meeting with the great sage, Paramahansa 

Yogananda. This was a divine meeting that would forever change the life of the 

young Roy Davis. Ever keeping his eye on the goal of life as instructed by his 

guru and dedicating this life to serving others, has provided a shining light for all 

to see. 

We are celebrating that divine Light that permeates our lives with grace, and 

guides us toward freedom and a life of incomparable joy, at the Center during the 

holy day at the time of Guru Purnima, the weekend of July 7–9. You are warmly 

invited to attend. 

May this summer be for you a time of renewal, of remembering your divine 

Self and luxuriating in the joy and beauty that is abundantly available to us. 

Celebrate life. Take time to be with your family and friends, and with your spiri-

tual community. Be nourished on all levels of your being.     
With overflowing gratitude, 
Yogacharya O'Brian

Ellen Grace O’Brian, Founding Editor

Everyday, enlightenment.