Four Ayurvedic Strategies to  

Help You Sleep Better

Ananta Ripa Ajmera


    The atmosphere during the time period between 8:30pm and 10pm is domi-

nant in a quality known in Ayurveda psychology as tamas, which is essentially 

inertia or dullness. Tamas is a very helpful quality for making it easier to 

sleep. During the daytime, starting at 6am, the atmosphere is charged with the 

quality of rajas, which is connected with activity and movement.

    I now find that waking up early (between 4am and 6am) gives me even more 

and higher-quality quiet time than I used to experience by staying awake late 

at night. Waking up early also helps you sleep more easily at night.

2. Turn off your T.V. and laptop by 8pm


Your mind and psyche is constantly bombarded with inputs from a variety  

of media sources throughout the day. By turning off the television and 

computer screens at night, you can do your sleep a big favor by allowing 

yourself to stay away from mental distractions and start to prepare for the 

upcoming act of sleep.

3. Create a bedtime ritual


Harvard Business Review recently published an article about the importance 

of having a meaningful ritual to help wind down your day. The science 

of Ayurveda has recommended this for thousands of years, via its various 

dinacharya (daily routine) practices.

    According to Ayurveda’s dinacharya protocol, you should spend the hours 

between 6pm and 10pm in the company of the people, pets, books and 

activities that give you a sense of peace, calmness and grounding. Just before 

bedtime, it’s also recommended to adopt a practice that inspires you, such as 

reading an uplifting book, writing in your journal, going for an evening walk, 

listening to soothing music, or practicing meditation.

4. Oil your feet, the top of your head, and the back of your ears


Another wonderful health ritual Ayurveda recommends for sound, quality 

sleep is the practice of oiling the soles of your feet, the top of your head, and 

the back of your ears with warm sesame oil. Doing so not only promotes 

healthy sleep; it also helps counteract the aging process and combats stress.

Following Ayurveda’s insomnia solutions has greatly transformed the quality 

of sleep I experience. Try these timeless solutions, and you, too, can also start to 

sleep deeply, thanks to Ayurveda.

Ananta Ripa Ajmera is author of The Ayurveda Way. She is a Certified Ayurveda Health Practitioner 

and Yoga Instructor who serves as Director of Branding and Yoga Studies at Vedika Global in 

Emeryville, CA.

Excerpted from the author's book with permission from Storey Publishing.