t’s easy to think nothing of missing a little sleep here or there, especially to 

accomplish more work. I used to believe this, and stayed up many a late night 

to try to take advantage of the quietness that nighttime provides.

The reality of losing sleep, however, is quite grim. Whereas proper sleep gives 

you the ability to receive knowledge, the ancient Ayurveda texts teach us that 

lack of proper sleep not only puts us in poor mental states, but also deteriorates 

our memory, and hampers our focus, creativity and decision-making abilities. 

In this sense, regular lack of sleep easily gives rise to ignorance, in terms of both 

thoughts and behavior.

Modern health experts agree. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) even 

conducted a study that found that poor sleep at night can impair our behavior 

just as much as being legally drunk does.

As a lifelong student, and now teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda, I am most 

passionate about promoting the sub-science of Ayurveda called Svasthavritta, 

which includes many all-natural, dietary and lifestyle-based solutions to a variety 

of health challenges, including insomnia.

As someone who used to suffer from chronic insomnia, these four all-natural 

Ayurvedic insomnia solutions have worked wonders for me.
1. Sleep by 10pm and arise by 6am


“Early to bed, early to rise” is not only a popular colloquial expression; it’s also 

one of Ayurveda’s most important insomnia solutions. By going to sleep no 

later than 10pm, and arising no later than 6am, you benefit from the time 

frame that is easiest to fall and remain asleep. You will also live in greater 

overall harmony with the natural cycles of day and night.

Four Ayurvedic Strategies to  

Help You Sleep Better

Ananta Ripa Ajmera


Enlightenment Journal | Summer 2017