
interested in exploring the mystical path of Self- and God-realization. Meditation 

is practiced as a way of awakening to spiritual Truth, to that which is beyond 

thought, opinion, or dogma.

Our message emphasizes the potential for all people to awaken, and the impor-

tance of living a spiritually-conscious life by following the universal precepts of 

the world’s wisdom traditions, such as harmlessness, truthfulness, and right use 

of our life energy. We are all here to awaken to the truth that this life is God’s 

life. We come from a common Source, live and move and have our being in that 

Source, and return to it. Awakening to the unity of life brings new joy in living 

and a clear sense of how we can each contribute to the well-being of all.

In 1998, we moved into our current location on University Avenue. As the 

spiritual director, I asked in prayer to know if the move would be right for this 

ministry. The words that came to me were, Many souls will come to God there. And 

so it is. On any day of the week it is possible to see people wholly engaged in some 

form of spiritual practice, reflecting on universal human values and the unity of all 

religions: attending a worship service or morning meditation, prayerfully working 

in the garden, walking the labyrinth, stretching mind and body through hatha 

yoga, studying scripture, exploring how to live spiritual teachings in small group 

meetings, or sharing with the children. The call of the mystic poet, Rumi, can be 
felt throughout the Center: 

Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, 

worshipper, lover of leaving—come. Ours is not a caravan of 

despair. It doesn’t matter if you have broken your vow a thousand 

times. Still come, and yet again, come.

Every day presents us with a new opportunity to see with the eyes of faith and 

live in the highest way. I am grateful to all who have come over the years—those 

who have served, those who have offered their resources and their prayers, and 

those who have stayed to build a spiritual community from the seed of a divine 

vision. A beautiful community has blossomed over time. Many capable teachers, 

leaders, and ministers have been inspired and trained to teach and serve. They 

are extending the teachings near and far—here at headquarters, in our outreach 

meditation groups and satellite centers, and in many sectors of society. The 

ministry is thriving—real needs are being met and lives are being transformed. 

I am grateful to Roy Eugene Davis who offered the teachings so freely and 

opened the door of possibility for CSE. For the divine love that guides each and 

every one, constantly turning us in the direction of awakening to truth, I offer 

praise and thanks. Thirty-five years of praises only just begun. 


Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian is the Spiritual Director of the CSE.