Every Moment Wisdom

Are you looking for God?

God is your life.

Self-realization may at first seem to be a 

foreign and lofty term, as if we will discover 

some Self that we never knew. That which 

we are, have always been, and ever will 

be, is revealed. That is it. Those who are 

Self-realized know the essence of their own 

being as spiritual in nature. They see all of 

life as one Reality. Wherever they are, they 

are home—at one with the One.

We do not acquire spiritual realization; it  

is revealed from within. When we want to 

see in the dark we turn on a light. To see 

more clearly in life, we turn within and 

invite the illumination of our consciousness 

by intentionally abiding in the divine Self.

Have faith in your Self. Be happy.  

Serve others.

—f rom Living for the Sake of the Soul  

by Ellen Grace O’Brian