Just be here. Be in this place. 

—Roy Eugene Davis

Reverence to the divine within you!

This summer a group from CSE traveled to Center for Spiritual Awareness in 

Lakemont, Georgia for a meditation retreat with Roy Eugene Davis. The retreat 

center there is a beautiful abode, positively teeming with prana—verdant green 

grasses and piney woods, infinite blue skies with castles of cumulous clouds, 

bright red cardinals lighting on the low foliage, fireflies gleaming at dusk, the 

meditative om vibration of the cosmos permeating the temple, and a felt sense 

of the blessings of the sages pervading the entire place. At one of the retreat 

sessions, a newcomer asked Mr. Davis, What is the best thing I can do to experi-

ence the maximum benefit of being here? He replied, Just be here. Be in this place. 
Just be here. The ultimate spiritual practice and awakened-life opportunity. Truly 

be here. For us at CSE, it is a clear reminder of the power of sacred place and 

time that we cultivate in our ministry service. No matter what we do—whether 

it is producing this magazine or our online radio program, offering a worship 

service, teaching children to meditate, or weeding the meditation garden—it is 

with the awareness that individual and planetary enlightenment is facilitated by 

creating, nurturing, and maintaining a supportive atmosphere, a place where 

awakening naturally unfolds. 
This anniversary issue of Enlightenment Journal highlights and celebrates our 

thirty-five years of ministry service. As a founding teacher and spiritual director, 

people often ask me if I planned all this—a beautiful meditation center that 

occupies a block in the heart of the Rose Garden area of the city, satellite centers, 

publications and media outreach, retreats, classes, leadership training, and more. 

My answer is no. No, I did not plan it. But I can truthfully say that I have dreamed 

it. I have dreamed of such a place, a place of real peace where the divine potential 

of every person is invited to be realized. I have dreamed of it. Haven’t you? 
You are warmly invited to our 35


 Anniversary Celebration on Friday, October 



 I hope to see you there, or to hear from you if you live at a distance. 

With infinite love,
Yogacharya O'Brian

Ellen Grace O’Brian, Founding Editor 


Everyday, enlightenment.