
happiness that arises as we open to the peacefulness of mind, heart, body and 

soul that meditation brings. When we have a steady meditation practice and 

lead a balanced life, we find that we don't have to struggle to solve our problems. 

There is an easy path for us opened by our refined discrimination and non-reactive 

nature. We learn that we have a moment to moment choice to be happy now. 

After a while peacefulness and happiness become second nature. 

One day we fall into a well of joy that is our own true nature and we begin to 

share this inner joy with all those around us. This is how we cultivate a peaceful, 

happy life.

Meditation can be practiced once a day, usually in the morning. If early 

meditation practice is not possible, do it later in the day. Regularity is 

recommended so that it will be enjoyably anticipated and experienced. 

Some people meditate twice each day: in the morning and early evening. 

Meditate as long as it takes to have satisfying results. Some of the sessions 

will be more satisfying. All of them will be helpful.

—Roy Eugene Davis

Ann Hayes and Jeff Collins have been teaching and leading meditation groups and spiritual living 

classes since 2004. They both received a Masters of Divinity from Meru Institute at CSE, where they 

continue to practice and study in the tradition of Kriya Yoga, with the guidance of their teacher, 

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian. They currently live and teach meditation in Santa Rose, CA.  
