
Before we knew it, CSE had expanded and added the Grace Building and with 

that came the Welcome Center, where I volunteered every Thursday for many 

years, welcoming people from all walks of life into the Center and constantly 

answering that familiar question, “What is this beautiful place?” My duties were 

to keep the shelves stocked with Yogacharya’s books, answer the phones and 

of course, greet guests. I also assembled the weekly Sunday bulletin before we 

reached the point of having everything digitized on the screens each week.

When the bookshop transitioned into the Welcome Center, I moved to the 

Wisdom Building and worked in the main office answering phones, greeting 

people and being the first point-of-contact when people called CSE. I still do that 

once a week.

What has kept you at CSE for so many years?

The inclusiveness of the teachings and Yogacharya O’Brian’s vision for making 

the teachings available to everyone.  

How do you take your yoga practice out into world?

I lead a weekly meditation practice in my neighborhood and have been doing 

this for a few years. I also try to live by the teachings—knowing that I am simply 


What is the most significant teaching insight that you have gained from your Kriya 

Yoga practice at CSE?

That we do, indeed, live the life that we make.