4. Choose to live skillfully. Choose to live with love and wisdom.


This is the 

crux of it. Grief is an experience in life, a momentary experience. What we 

are is greater than any experience or circumstance. When we live intention-

ally, focused on our unchanging spiritual nature, we find the strength to bring 

the light of wisdom and the power of love into any situation, no matter how 

difficult. And when we do, we see that there is another way for us to live, a 

way of freedom that allows us to keep our hearts open. We can experience 

whatever comes and know that it will leave us, but also know that the Truth 

of our being will always remain. Love will always remain. 

Grief is Love’s doorkeeper. Tip your hat to it as you walk through the door on 

your way to greater Love. 


Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian is the Spiritual Director of CSE.


Open the Door to Your Soul Temple—  

Greet Your Divine Life with Rejoicing!

Sunday Lesson Series  
with Yogacharya O’Brian

Sundays at 9 or 11 am
February 17 through April 28

Within the temple of the soul reside the 
wisdom, power, and divine life of happi-
ness and freedom that we yearn for. We 

ourselves hold the keys. Find the door, use your key, and rejoice. 
Rejoice again and again. 

Subscribe now to receive a weekly CD of these lessons during this nine 
lesson series. Use the order form on page 31 or visit www.CSEcenter.org. 
Subscription rate for 9 CDs is $72, which includes weekly delivery  
(California residents add 8.625% sales tax).