Questions are submitted by participants during spiritual practice classes 
with Yogacharya O'Brian.  

It seems to me that as the awareness of my essential Self grows stronger, so 
does the ego. The more I engage in spiritual practice, the more I am self-critical 
and aware of my ego-drives. How can I get free of this? 


As our awareness is clarified and we are more capable of, and interested in, 

observing our states of mind and consciousness, we can initially be more aware 

of our shortcomings. In the past we might not have noticed, or cared too much 

about thoughts, speech, and behavior that were out of alignment with our 

highest goals. When we take up a spiritual practice, we bring greater attention 

to that. Whatever we focus our attention on is strengthened. This maxim gives 

us the solution to this dilemma. Instead of focusing on falling short of your goal 

or expectations, put your attention on your progress, on what is positive, and 

You can also simply notice how the critical mind works. Just observe it without 

trying to change it or buy into everything it presents. Know that you are the 

observer, the witness, the eternal Self that makes observation possible. Subtly 

shift your identification from the ego self to the essential Self as you do this. The 

more you meditate through to the level of superconsciousness and rest in that, 

the more you will be established in awareness of your true Self. 


Enlightenment Journal | Spring 2013

On the Path: Questions & Answers