if your primary nature is Kapha, you have a strong, sturdy physical structure, are 

slower to move and talk, have good long-term memory but may be slow to learn. You  

like regularity, can miss meals without losing energy, eat less, don't like to exercise 

or change, accumulate (weight, wealth), are fertile, and compassionate. When Kapha 

is out of balance, you may experience a tendency toward attachment, or depression. 

imbalances associated with Kapha are: obesity, depression, tumors, cysts, asthma, and 

diabetes. (There are V, P and K types of most diseases, including diabetes; all three 

doshas are usually out of balance during diseases).
Quick Constitution (Prakriti) Checklist

The primary use of this information is to reveal what preventive diet, lifestyle, and 

herbs you should use to stay healthy. The column with the highest number will usually 

reveal your primary dosha; the next lowest number is your secondary dosha. Some 

people may be tri-doshic (have an equal count from all three columns).

For each category in each row, put an X in the column to the left of the quality you 

feel describes you most. Put a mark next to the column that describes you best as you 

are (or were) when feeling most healthy (your nature) not when you are ill (unbalanced). 

You may choose one or two in each row; if you choose three, don't mark it at all and go 

on to the next row.

Add up your total count from each column.

Column Totals: _____ Total _____ Total _____ Total  

Cynthia Ambika Copple, Ayurvedic Consultant in Santa Cruz, California since 1982, 

is Director of Lotus Holistic Health Institute and President of Lotus Herbs.  










Body Type

Sturdy, solid, muscular 
may put on weight.

Moderate, soft, slight 
belly. Weight tends to 
be the same.

Slim, wiry, moves a lot, 
very tall or very short.


Low, slight.

Strong hunger.

Up & down.


Slow. Eats less.

Fast. Eats a lot.



Long, over 8 hours.

Moderate, 7-8 hours, 


Less, 6 or less hours.


Regular, sluggish, may 
have tendency towards 


With ease, 1-2 times 
a day, may have 
tendency towards diar-
rhea, light color feces.

Irregular, may have 

constipation, hard, 
dark feces.


Slow, steady.

High, passionate, may 
burn out.


Work Habits

Likes regularity, slow 

and complete, may 
procrastinate, good 

long term memory.

Likes to organize, 
managerial, ambitious, 

strong "gut reactions," 

fast comprehension, 
likes learning.

Creative, likes variety 
& change, lots of 
ideas, good short term 


Compassionate, may 
tend to attachment.

Passionate, may tend 
to anger, resentment.

Uplifting, may tend to 
worry, anxiety.

