Enlightenment Journal | Spring 2013

Words are symbols used to convey the reality and meaning of that
which they define. By conscious, devotional utterance, intonation,
and chanting of a sacred word [mantra] a divine vibration is awak-
ened within our being. 
—Lahiri Mahasaya


ne of the easiest meditation techniques to use, which is suitable 

for anyone, is mantra. This Sanskrit word is derived from manas, 

thinking principle, and tra, that which protects the mind and 

takes awareness beyond it. 

A meditation mantra is a sound which serves as an attractive focus of 

attention during preliminary stages of meditation practice. It may be a 

meaningless word, a word which has a meaning which may be contem-

plated as the sound is listened to, or a sound which arises within one's field 

of awareness. The usefulness of mantra contemplation is that the medita-

tor's attention becomes so involved with it that awareness of physical and 

mental activities is replaced by awareness of the mantra; thus solving the 

major problem that many meditators encounter—that of preoccupation 

with feelings and thought processes. 

For the purpose of experiencing relaxation and favorable psychological 

states, one may use any pleasant word or word-phrase as the meditation 

mantra. This can be self-chosen or it may be recommended by one's spiri-

tual mentor or a qualified meditation teacher. One should feel comfortable 

with the mantra if its use during meditation practice is to be satisfying. 

Words commonly used as meditation mantras include God, peace, joy, 

light, love, Om, and others that have meaning to the meditator or which 

serve the purpose of practice. Word-phrases may be used, so long as it is 

understood that they are not to be considered as affirmations for condi-

tioning the mind, but are merely statements of ideal states of awareness to 




Roy Eugene Davis