Download free, inspiring programs with Rev. O’Brian and guests 

directly from iTunes or from 

Tune in with your smartphone at LIVE 365.

Archived programs available include:  

Ashtanga: Patanjali’s Step by Step Guide for Spiritual Realization  
and Fulfilled Living 

Ashtanga Yoga, or the Eight-Limbed Path, offers eight essential 

steps for spiritual realization and fulfilled living. This path is 

identified in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the classic text for medita-

tion and spiritual practice. Author and Yoga Philosophy teacher 

Nicolai Bachman joined Rev. O’Brian for a profound and prac-

tical look at how living these steps each day can positively transform our 

lives. Discover how these steps work from the inside out and the outside 

in to purify our hearts, minds, bodies, and our relationships in order to 

awaken our deepest wisdom. (6/7/12)
Self-discipline, Willpower, and Positive Change 

Who doesn’t want more self-discipline or willpower? Kelly 

McGonigal, author of The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control 

Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of 

It, shares research from her Stanford University course, “The 

Science of Willpower” as she and Rev. O’Brian consider what 

factors are really involved with our ability to manage stress and make posi-

tive changes. (10/25/12)
Patience, Contentment and the Key to Unconditional  

Happiness and Peace 

Allan Lokos, founder of the Community Meditation Center in 

New York and author of the book Patience: The Art of Peaceful 

Living, joined Rev. O’Brian for an insightful conversation about 

the powerful role that patience plays in our lives every day. Is it 

possible that many mistakes we have made, or unkind words we 

have spoken could have been avoided if we had been more patient? What 

does being patient require of us? What does it make possible? 6/21/12



Enlightenment Journal | Winter 2012-2013

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