I shall remold my consciousness. In  
this new year I am a new person. And  
I shall change my consciousness again 
and again until I have  manifested the 
shining light of Spirit in whose image  
I am made. 


—Paramahansa Yogananda

Rev. Ellen Grace O’Brian

Friday, January 4 • 7–9 pm


Kirtan with Gitanjali and Prayer Service

Saturday, January 5 • 10 am–3 pm


Retreat program

Sunday, January 6 


Retreat concludes with 9 or 11 am worship service


his on-site retreat at CSE headquarters honors the birthday of Paramahansa 

Yogananda, which falls on January 5th. Discover the universal spiritual 

principles and practices he taught that support our ability to make positive 

changes. The retreat will offer the focus, time, tools, and environment to explore 

your deepest desires for a happy, prosperous and purposeful life and help you chart 

your course for fulfilled living in the New Year. 
The retreat begins with devotional chanting, meditation, and a devotional service 

to set intentions for the year ahead. Saturday will include spiritual teachings, study, 

and silent meditation followed by the invitation to conclude the retreat weekend 

with Sunday services. These first days of the New Year taken as a spiritual retreat 

provide an opportunity to begin the New Year in the highest way—to let go of the 

past and express our inexhaustible divine nature.

Free will offering

New Year’s Retreat Weekend at CSE

Honoring the Birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda