Enlightenment Journal | Summer 2012

vegetarian food plan is to attempt to 

replace meat by eating too many dairy 

products, especially cheese and eggs, 

or to consume too many nuts or other 

vegetable protein sources. 

Herbs can be used for seasoning 

foods and for their therapeutic effects, 

but salt and refined sugars should be 

eliminated entirely from the kitchen 

and the dining area. 

When we eat foods we are inter-

acting with the cosmos. We interact 

with the cosmos through all of our 

senses, but it is with the food that we 

take into the body, in material form, 

that forces enter which are directly 

influential. The atomic structures of 

carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and 

minerals are, when closely examined, 

not very different, varying only in 

combination, but not in their essence. 

Below the level of the atom are finer 

forces which have their origins in the 

field of pure consciousness. Nature has 

provided itself with everything neces-

sary for function and completion of 

purposes, and an all-pervading intel-

ligence directs every process of nature.

When, through intelligent behavior, 

we learn to cooperate with nature's 

laws we are able to consciously enter 

into a useful working relationship with 

the cosmos. The selection and eating 

of food, then, while requiring only a 

small portion of our time and atten-

tion, is a conscious practice which can 

be useful to our ultimate ends.  

Roy Eugene Davis is the Spiritual Director  

of the Center for Spiritual Awareness,  


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