drop by drop to illustrate that in the same incremental way, we uplift or degrade 

ourselves, little by little—through the thoughts we entertain, the words we speak 

and the actions we take.  Thought by thought, word by word, choice by choice, 

our lives are built. When we are spiritually awake, when our intentions are pure, 

our thoughts are well ordered and in harmony with the true Self, and our speech 

and actions are consciously chosen to reflect our inner knowing, we experience 

the well-being that is synonymous with this way of life. Little by little, thought  

by thought, choice by choice, we make our lives. We can choose to lift ourselves 



Ellen Grace O'Brian is the Spiritual Director of CSE.

Love Notes from the Song of God


Sermon Series with Rev. Ellen Grace O'Brian

Sundays, 9 or 11 am  •  February 26 through May 13



Eight life-transforming lessons from the Bhagavad Gita,


the timeless treasure of wisdom and inspiration for all devotees of God. 

Subscribe now to receive a weekly CD of these lessons during the series. Use  
the order form on page 31 or visit www.CSEcenter.org. Subscription rate for  
8 CDs is $56, which includes weekly delivery in the U.S. (California residents add 
8.25% tax).