Meditation Seminar  

and Kriya Yoga 


With Roy Eugene Davis 
and Ellen Grace O’Brian

Saturday, March 24
10 am–4 pm


he essential teachings of the science of Self- and God-
realization will be offered as well as attention to the spiritual 
disciplines necessary to support spiritual growth and 

awakening. Ellen Grace O’Brian will offer the morning introductory 
session on meditation and spiritual growth. Mr. Davis will teach 
the afternoon class and offer Kriya Yoga initiation following the 
meditation seminar for prepared students and those previously 
initiated into Kriya Yoga. All are welcome.

Satsang with Roy Eugene Davis

Friday, March 23  •  7—8:30 pm

An informal evening of chanting, meditation and questions and 
answers with Mr. Davis. 

All programs are offered on a donation basis. 

Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, was 
ordained by him in 1951. For more than five decades, Mr. Davis has been 
teaching in North and South America, Europe, West Africa, and India. He  
is the founder and spiritual director of Center for Spiritual Awareness. 

Ellen Grace O’Brian, a disciple of Mr. Davis, was initiated in 1980 and 
ordained by him in 1982. She is the spiritual director of Center for Spiritual 

You are destined to be spiritually enlightened. Decide now  

to awaken to that free state during your present incarnation.  

—Roy Eugene Davi
