Enlightenment Journal | Spring 2012


o quickly unfold supercon-

scious states, meditate long 

and deep with special tech-

niques and advanced practices. Instead 

of meditating for fifteen to twenty 

minutes for physical and psychological 

health and gradual spiritual growth 

only, schedule longer and more 

frequent practice sessions. If you are a 

beginning meditator, maintain your 

short daily sessions and include a 

thirty minute session once a week until 

you acquire more proficiency in your 

practice. If you have been meditating 

on a regular schedule for several 

months, extend your daily session to 

thirty minutes or an hour, adding 

another daily session after a few 


Balance meditative practices with 

intentional living routines and main-

tain a keen interest in accomplishing 

purposes and performing duties. In 

this way you will avoid becoming 

so preoccupied with investigating 

subjective states of consciousness that 

you lose interest in secular life. When 

meditating, concentrate completely on 

knowing the truth about yourself and 

awakening to God-realization. When 

not meditating, remain established in 

Self-knowledge and live effectively. It is 

not necessary to completely withdraw 

from the world and from activities 

and relationships to be spiritually free. 

When we clearly comprehend that we 

are spiritual beings in a consciousness-

energy-manifested universe sustained 

and ordered by a Higher Intelligence, 

we can maintain inner realization and 

live successfully in relationship to the 

world and its processes.

Having a private meditation sanc-

tuary can be helpful. This may be a 

small, secluded room, or place set 

aside in a larger room. Consecrate 

it for the purpose of meditation and 

philosophical reflection. Install a 

comfortable chair. If desired, have a 

picture of your guru or of saints whose 

spiritual attainment inspires you. 

Keep your sacred space simple and 

clean. When you go there, thoughts 

of secular matters will be replaced by 

thoughts of your relationship with 

God. Aspiration to Self-knowledge will 

be nurtured and superconscious medi-

tation will more easily be experienced.

If you sincerely want to be fully 

awake to your true nature and know 

the reality of God, meditate with 

focused intention impelled by devo-

tion to God and firm commitment 

to accomplish your purpose. Remain 

alert and observant. Practice tech-

niques to elicit physical relaxation and 

In the Sanctuary of the Soul: 

Meditate to Unveil Knowledge  

and Liberate Consciousness 

Roy Eugene Davis