You Can Maintain
Your Ideal Body Weight
Donald Glassey, D.C.
Enlightenment Journal | Winter 2011-2012
he marketplace abounds with
weight-loss plans and no small
amount of confusion about
which one is best in terms of overall
health and the ability to maintain our
desired weight. There are several
factors that influence weight and
weight loss. Understanding them can
facilitate wise dietary choices.
Weight-loss dieting reduces fat and
muscle. When beginning such a diet,
the weight that is burned by the body's
metabolism is mostly protein, caused
by breaking down lean muscle tissue.
Fat is burned last, which is the oppo-
site of what a weight loss diet should
do. When starting to eat normally
again after a weight-loss diet, the lost
weight is gained back very quickly,
mostly in the form of fat. That is why
"trend" diets, which may result in
weight loss in the short term, are not
successful over time in maintaining
ideal body weight. Ninety-five percent
of people who lose weight on such
diets gain it back in one year; 97%
gain it back in two years. Maintaining
ideal body weight is related to a
number of factors: