Enlightenment Journal | Winter 2011-2012


ife forces in the astral centers 

(chakras) enliven your physical 

body and regulate its functions. 

Your states of mind and consciousness 

can also be related to their influences. 

A soul's life force enters the physical 

body at the medulla oblongata, at the 

base of the brain, and flows down the 

spine. From the lower region of the 

spine, life force provides energies that 

express through the chakras. Dormant 

life force (kundalini) in the body may 

be aroused by compassionate thoughts 

and feelings, fervent aspiration to 

be spiritually conscious, devotional 

prayer, meditation practice, the influ-

ences of a pure environment, and 

personal, spiritual, or mental contact 

with a person in whom vital forces are 

freely expressive. 

The three channels (nadis) in the 

astral spine are: the central channel 

(sushumna, the radiant path); one 

on the left side (ida), a cooling or 

calming influence; one on the right 

side (pingala), which is heating or 


When flows of life force are domi-

nant in the left channel, it is easier to 

be calm and think rationally. Domi-

nant flows in the right channel may 

stimulate the mind and emotions; this 

is not a useful influence when you 

want to be calm, but can be useful 

when you want to achieve goals or 

complete projects. When life force 

flows primarily in the central channel, 

interactions between the hemispheres 

of the brain are more coordinated, and 

meditation is easier. This is why it is 

useful, when you sit to meditate, to 

be aware in the spine, and then move 

your awareness upwards to the front 

and higher regions of the brain. 

There is a direct relationship 

between flows of life force in the 

channels in the spine, and right and 

left nostril breathing dominance. 

When physiological and psychological 

conditions are normal, right nostril 

breathing is dominant for about 

two hours, followed by left nostril 

breathing dominance for about two 

hours. During right nostril breathing, 

flows of energy are more forceful in 

the right channel; when breathing 

through the left nostril, flows of 

energy are more forceful in the left 

channel. During the intervals between 

nostril-breathing dominance, when 

flows of life force in the channels are 

balanced, mental and emotional states 

are inclined to be calm.

You can use the following simple 

method to balance the flows of life 

force in both channels when you 

The Seven Astral Centers 

inYour Spine and Brain

Roy Eugene Davis