New CD Release from CSE Press


ractitioners of meditation and students of yoga philosophy 

will enjoy this dynamic overview by Rev. O’Brian of 

important themes and practices found in Patanjali’s Yoga 

Sutra, the classic text on yoga. Some of the topics addressed are:

• How to quiet the mind for meditation and realize your  

essential nature

• The keys to self-discipline, discernment and dispassion
• Eight limbs of practice for experiencing superconsciousness

This lecture was recorded at the Third International Kriya Yoga 

Congress in San Jose, California in March 2010. 
1 CD • $5.00
To order:; call (408) 283-0221 x29 or mail 

your check to: CSE Press, 1146 University Avenue, San Jose,  

CA, 95126
Note: add $3.00 for shipping and handling for a single CD, add 

$.50 for each additional item and 9.25% sales tax in California.