In the Bhagavad Gita,


the spiritual classic revered by Hindus and read 

by spiritual seekers of all backgrounds, Arjuna, who represents the seeking soul 

within each one of us, asks Krishna, the divine Self, what does enlightenment 

look like? How does a person who is enlightened act? What do they do? This is a 

good question for all of us.
Enlightenment is clear knowing, realization of what is true. This ability to see 

clearly and know directly is the unfolding of our innate spiritual potential. 

Prior to being fully established in Self- and God-realization, it can be helpful 

to contemplate the possibility of what the enlightened life would be like. In a 

way, this exercise is to prepare ourselves for it—try it on and get used to it. It is a 

helpful way to begin to open ourselves fully to enlightenment as our natural way 

of being. 
While avoiding fantasy and delusion about our current level of understanding, 

we can simply use our ability to contemplate, discern, and imagine what it is 

like to live with clearer insight about ourselves, others, and about life itself. Like 

Arjuna, we can ask: As an enlightened person, how do I live? What do I do? How 

do I use my time and energy? What am I able to accomplish? How do I view life 

and my experience of it? What are my priorities? 
In this issue we explore ways to bring heightened awareness into a full range of 

our experiences in life—from the everyday occurrence of preparing and eating 

nutritious food in the article by Sundari Jensen; to teachings on grappling with 

obstacles; an insightful article by Roy Eugene Davis on how to fully prosper; 

and an engaging interview with two practitioners of Kriya Yoga, a minister and 

a medical doctor, who bring their spiritual practices into their work supporting 

people in times of grief and loss, including the loss of the physical body at the 

time of transition from this realm. 
Everyday, enlightenment. May this issue of Enlightenment Journal bring you 

fresh insights and enhance your joy on the spiritual path. If you are not yet a 

subscriber, we welcome your regular participation. You’ll find subscription infor-

mation on the sidebar of the table of contents page.

Ellen Grace O'Brian, Editor

Everyday, enlightenment. 

Summer ProgramS with rev. o’Brian