What are some techniques for practicing the presence and thinking of God all 
of the time? I start the day with that resolve but lose myself in the activity of 
the day. How do we remember in the midst of activity? 
Having a regular morning practice of meditation will help to cultivate remem-

brance during the day. Such practice carries over into the day by purifying 

the mind and activating vital force. Our minds are calmer and clearer and our 

energy uplifted. There is more sattva, or the element of luminosity, present. 

When body and mind are balanced, our thoughts naturally turn to remembrance 

of God. At the conclusion of your morning sadhana, set the intention to think 

of God during your day—plant the seed in your own mind. Your innate divine 

intelligence will nurture that seed and bring your attention back when it wanders 

into forgetfulness. Simply cooperate with the innate urge toward remembrance 

that arises. Expect it. Then, follow it. It only takes a moment to stop and redirect 

attention. That moment is a window into eternity.


Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.   

—Paramahansa Yogananda

Yoga (superconsciousness) is realized when fluctuations in the individualized field of 
awareness cease, when they are restrained and returned to their origins. Then the Seer 
abides in its own nature. When not thus abiding, the Seer is inclined to identify with 
the modifying influences which arise in mind and awareness. 

—Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1: 2-3

The highest aim of religion is Atma-jnanam, Self-knowledge.   

—Sri Yukteswar

I was in despair; I had lost all hope of meeting Him; 
It is He who has blessed me with the rare wealth of union. 
He himself has come to me within my own home. 
My efforts were of no avail; the glory is to you, dear Lord, 
That in your grace you came and met me, within my own home.  
Boundless is my joy. Boundless, indeed, my good fortune.     

—Kabir (V.K. Sethi, trans.)

