discipline is enough? How much is too
much? His journey ran the gambit,
going from a life of indulgent luxury to
the severest fasting and discipline that
left him faint. Neither end of this spec-
trum works. Moderation, the middle
way, was his discovery. Legend has it
that as he was contemplating the way
of enlightenment he heard someone
across the riverbank tuning a stringed
instrument. It occurred to him that if
the strings are too tight, they break.
But if they are not tight enough, they
will not provide music. So it is with
our dedication to the spiritual way of
life—in order to be steadfast we must
cultivate a moderate discipline that is
intentional but not ego-driven.
The philosophy and practice of yoga,
the way of Self-realization, is not a
one-size-fits-all dogmatic approach to
spirituality. It requires us to put the
teachings into practice, to experiment
for ourselves and discover what works.
How much is enough? How much is
too much? Our own innate wisdom is
the guide. When our lives are in
balance, peace pervades our hearts, our
minds and our bodies. No one has to
tell us how to live; our own soul shines
the light upon the choices before us.
With intention, commitment to
awaken, moderation in our discipline,
steadfast practice and that necessary
element of divine grace, our inner light
shines brighter each day.
Solomon’s Sutras:
Seven Teachings for
Cultivating a Wise and
Understanding Heart
Sermon Series with Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sundays 9 or 11 am
February 13 through April 17
Seven dynamic lessons inspired by the wisdom sayings
of Solomon from the book of Proverbs challenge,
encourage and instruct us to live our deepest truth. Each
essential teaching is a simple but profound guidepost
that shines light upon the path of spiritually conscious
living and reveals the way to live with purpose, insight and balance.
Subscribe now to receive a weekly CD and study lesson. Use the order form on page
31 or visit www.CSEcenter.org. Subscription rate for 7 CDs with study lessons: $49,
includes weekly delivery (California residents add 9.25 % tax).