Kriya Seminar in Passau, Germany



The Kriya Yoga Center in Passau, 

Germany, directed by CSA Ministers 

Harald and Marlies Reiske, is located 

in the downtown pedestrian section of 

the city. A library, meditation garden, 

and meditation hall serve those who 

come for classes and group meditation. 

In November, Rev. O’Brian visited the Center and offered a lecture on Kriya Yoga 

that was translated into German by Harald Reiske.

Download free inspiring programs with Rev. O’Brian and Guests


directly from iTunes or from


Archived programs available include: 
The Great East-West Transmission: Yoga and American Life

Join Rev. O’Brian and special guest Phil Goldberg, author of American Veda: 

From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation—How Indian Spiritu-

ality Changed the West, as they explore the changes in culture and spiritu-

ality that have been fostered by the influence of yoga on the West. 
Meditation and Your Brain

Ancient scriptures of yoga and the testimonies of self-realized masters 

describe higher states of consciousness and enhanced functionality that the 

new field of scientific study called Neurotheology is now able to examine, 

explain and quantify. Join Rev. O'Brian and A. Martin Wuttke, founder 

and director of Neurotherapy Centers International, for the latest scientific 

insights into the benefits of meditation practice for health, overall well-

being and spiritual development. 


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