Enlightenment Journal | Spring 2011
Sun Salutation—when offered with humility and devotion—is a whole body
prayer in motion. In many traditions, the sun is symbolic of the awakening
light within. Ancient yogis taught that each of us is a microcosm of the world,
embodying “rivers, seas, mountains, fields…stars and planets…the sun and
the moon” (Shiva Samhita, II; 1-3). Beginning the day with saluting or bowing
(namaskar) is a means of honoring this inner and outer light of the sun (surya).
Practicing three to six rounds of this dynamic sequence with devotion, and
synchronized with one’s natural breathing can bring strength and flexibility to
the body, openness to the heart, and focus to the mind in preparation for sitting
meditation. This practice can open the flow of energy (prana) throughout the
body, supporting a sense of vibrant aliveness.
1.Standing Mountain—
complete breath
2. Standing Backward Bend—
with inhalation
3. Standing Forward Bend—
with exhalation
4. Lunge with Left Foot Forward—
with inhalation
5. Plank Pose—with exhalation
6. Eight Point Bow—
complete breath
Kindle Your
Surya Namaskar