Enlightenment Journal | Spring 2011
aspect is devoid of attributes. Its expres-
sive aspect has attributes which enable
it to manifest universes and to indi-
vidualize as souls.
2. What is my true nature?
You are an individualized unit of pure
consciousness of ultimate Reality.
What is true of it, is true of you. At
the innermost level of your essence of
being you are always whole, serene, and
joyously Self-knowing. When you are
fully conscious of this fact, you will be
spiritually enlightened.
3. Why am I in this world?
To learn to live effectively in harmony
with natural laws and gracefully grow
to emotional and spiritual maturity.
4. What should be my ultimate
To quickly awaken from ordinary
(modified) states of consciousness to
Self-realization, God-realization, and
liberation of consciousness.
5. What can I do to allow my ulti-
mate purpose to be most easily and
quickly fulfilled?
Acquire knowledge of metaphysical
(higher) realities; purify the ego (the
mistaken sense of self-identity); think,
feel, and act constructively; meditate
superconsciously to experience tran-
scendent states of consciousness.
6. Am I doing all that I know to do
to experience the fulfillment of my
ultimate purpose?
If your answer is “yes,” faithfully
continue in the right way. If your
answer is “no,” learn what to do and go
forward with firm resolve.
Whatever your present level of soul
awareness or personal circumstances,
may you now proceed to unfold your
true potential and fulfill your soul
destiny. This is my wish for you. You
are an immortal, spiritual being with
endless possibilities before you, known
by God and knowable by you. Explore
them with joy and thanksgiving.
Roy Eugene Davis is a direct disciple of Para-
mahansa Yogananda and the Director of Center
for Spiritual Awareness, Lakemont, Georgia.
Visit www.csa-davis.org to request a free copy of
Truth Journal magazine.
New From Roy Eugene Davis
An informal talk given by Mr. Davis during a
retreat at CSA headquarters in Lakemont, Georgia
in June 2010. Available in both audio CD and in
video DVD formats.
1 CD • 32 minutes • $5.00
1 DVD • 35 minutes • $5.00
U.S Packing & Postage: $3.00 for 1 item;
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TO ORDER (Include cost of item(s) plus packing
and postage as noted)
Online: www.CSA-davis.org • Phone: (706) 782-4723
US Mail (Send Check/Money Order):
Center for Spiritual Awareness, P.O. Box 7, Lakemont, GA 30552