Enlightenment Journal | Spring 2011
Every Person
Should Ask
Roy Eugene Davis
ecause of increasingly influential
evolutionary forces, our present
era is one of accelerated
transformations occurring in human-
kind’s collective consciousness and
dramatic changes in the world about
us—and these processes will continue.
The Dark Ages, the Time-Cycles of
almost total, abysmal ignorance are
behind us and new vistas, bright with
promise, are before us.
If we are to thrive in the 21st century
and beyond—and we must—height-
ened awareness, expanded knowledge,
and skills more than equal to the needs
and opportunities we will confront, are
obviously necessary. Impractical ideas,
illusional perceptions and thinking,
and dysfunctional behaviors will have
to be renounced and replaced by
higher understanding, flawless powers
of perception, and proficiency in the
performance of duties and chosen
actions. We can only successfully relate
to the present and prepare for the
future by awakening and actualizing
our innate spiritual consciousness.
Except for the few saints and intel-
lectual geniuses there are among us,
we have yet to adequately awaken to a
sufficient degree of realization of our
essential beingness. Our capacities
to unfold knowledge and wisely use
innate abilities are virtually limitless,
yet we often assume and behave just
the opposite. The time has come for us
to accept a new paradigm, a more real-
istic, functional point of view by which
to relate to the world, and to willingly
and intentionally awaken to higher
levels of consciousness and function.
We need to know and live the Truth
of ourselves: That we are spiritual
beings with only temporary identifica-
tion with mind and matter, not mere
human beings with perhaps hopeful
aspirations for divine status. A radical
shift of perspective is necessary: from
unknowing and ineptitude, to aware-
ness of cosmic proportions and the
unrestricted function and wisdom-
guided expression it will allow.
Philosopher-seers frequently
remind us that our relationship with
To make spiritual awakening easier, what is needed is a radical change in
how we think and feel about ourselves in relationship to the whole: one which
provides an overview that enables us to have an intimation of what God is,
and how the reality of God expresses as the cosmos and as souls.