attention to meditation. If not, we can always pray and turn our thoughts to God.
This not only assists with the healing process, it helps us remain steady with our
spiritual practice. Every day, turn within and acknowledge the divine reality of
your life. This can always be done.
What is meant by vital force?
The teachings of yoga provide an explanation of the processes of cosmic manifes-
tation from the transcendental field of absolute existence-being to its expression
in the material realm. One Reality expresses as all that is, beyond, through and
as the worlds. This cosmic creation process unfolds from subtle to gross mani-
festation and is permeated by energy, or life force. This life force, called prana
in Sanskrit, is the vital energy that sustains and animates all living things. Life
cannot exist without it. Our connecting link to experiencing this subtle energy is
our breath.
Whether one is in the world or is a renunciate, prana is inside the body, which means
God is present in you. If God is not, you are not. Prana is residing in the body, but how
many seek God within? All are children of God and have equal right to practice yoga
and attain God-realization, irrespective of gender or creed. When the sun shines, the
wind blows, or the rain comes down, they do not discriminate. They are equal to all.
—Lahiri Mahasaya
When we dwell in the world of duality, we are conditioned by it. When we say, “My
friend has passed away,” and we cry, we are enslaved by the world of coming and
going. The world of conditions is filled with erroneous views. It is only by learning to
look deeply into the nature of things that we become free of the concepts of being
and non-being and arrive in a world where such concepts as coming and going,
existence and non-existence, birth and death, one and many, and above and below
—Thich Nhat Hanh
They say that I am dying, but I am not going away. Where could I go? I am here.
—Ramana Maharshi