Enlightenment Journal | Fall 2011

also the main tool of dharana, or concentration. People try to meditate without 

being able to concentrate. The mantra gives focus to the mind, during which 

deep concentration becomes natural. Then mantra becomes the main tool for 

meditation because the mind not only needs a focus, the mind needs a way of 

developing and expanding its energy. Mantra is probably the most important tool 

of classical Yoga practice and allows us to use all Eight Limbs of Yoga together 

and in an integral manner, so that we can experience the full benefit of Yoga 

which is Self-realization and God-realization. 

Rev. O’Brian:

 Mantra provides us with the bridge that takes us from the manifest 

realm to the subtle and beyond. How can mantra practice help us achieve the 

main goals of life?

Dr. Frawley:

 Mantra can be used for everything in life—whether it is work, study, 

relationship, or even business activities. Everything goes better with mantra 

because mantra gives us a focus, defines our goals, connects us to an inner 

energy, and helps spiritualize everything we do, so that we are bringing ourselves 

towards the highest goal of life, which is Yoga. Through the mantra we can expe-

rience all aspects of life in Yoga. As Sri Aurobindo once said, “A Yogi should be 

able to do anything better than a non-Yogi.” 

Rev. O’Brian:

 By doing it consciously, by being awake. 

Dr. Frawley: 

Yes, absolutely. By being consciously connected to divine energy and 

experiencing life as a spiritual practice or sadhana, including all the things we do, 

not just the particular time we spend in meditation. 

Rev. O’Brian:


Specific mantras bring forth particular energies. To take advantage 

of mantra when we are looking to accomplish goals, we want to be selective 

about which mantra to use. 
How does someone find the right mantra for their particular goals?

Dr. Frawley:


We have to understand what it is we are seeking. The main thing is 

to follow a sattvic or yogic lifestyle and to orient our lives toward a spiritual prac-

tice, or sadhana. Then we need to know a little bit about the power of mantra. 

There are mantras for the pursuit of knowledge, wealth, splendor, abundance and 

beauty. There is a mantra for connecting to the divine presence at the level of the 

heart and for awakening higher knowledge and greater perception. There is a 

mantra said to be the electrical force that gives us energy, motivation, strength, 

and willpower to accomplish our goals. There is a mantra that is the principle of 

attraction, divine love, and the wishes of the soul. This mantra is said to draw us 

to our higher goals, and thus to the blessings and the grace that we need.