greater Yoga tradition. Today many people are aware of and using mantra but are
not necessarily informed about the science that underlies its power. Can you tell
us about the source of this power and what its philosophical basis is?
Dr. Frawley:
Well, you begin with the source of that power through Om. The
philosophical orientation of Yoga philosophy is that everything comes from the
Divine Word, which is primal sound. It is the vibration that underlies space, the
vibration behind the Cosmic Mind, and the very language of the Cosmic Mind.
It becomes the structural energy through which the human mind can function
and develop language—not only language for understanding the outer world, but
language for understanding the inner world of consciousness. That language for
understanding the inner world is the language of mantra. So the whole philos-
ophy of Yoga is essentially Mantra Yoga coming out of Om, expanding, creating
all the laws and energies of the universe, which we can experience within our
own minds and hearts.
Rev. O’Brian:
My introduction to mantra was given to me by my Guru, Roy
Eugene Davis, at my initiation into Kriya Yoga. He passed on the mantra given to
him by Paramahansa Yogananda and that mantra connected me to the energetic
vibration of this tradition. As I began to practice, I noticed its power to help me
focus and quiet my mind. I also noticed that the mantra would come back on
its own when I wasn’t meditating. It acted like a thermostat in my mental field
to help me “cool down” if I got too involved in activity. This illustrates the great
power that is released into our consciousness through mantra.
Dr. Frawley:
The mantra is like a doorway to changing how our minds work. Our
minds are structured by sound at a largely habitual or unconscious level. In Yoga,
through mantra, we take the conscious orientation—the sound and meaning—
and energize our minds in the highest ways, turning our thought patterns into
a form of worship, prayer, meditation, transformation, and linking to divine
energy. Through mantra, we learn to understand the full language of life and of
nature and enter into that Divine Reality in which we might say that everything
we encounter is a mantra or a message from God.
Rev. O’Brian:
Can you talk about how mantra relates to the Eight Limbs of Yoga
outlined by Patanjali?
Dr. Frawley:
First of all, Mantra Yoga is the most common practice of all paths of
Yoga. Mantra essentially pervades all the Eight Limbs of Yoga because each limb
is a way of energizing and orienting the mind.
Mantra is the basis of pratyahara, in which we turn our energies within and offer
our thoughts inwardly as a form of spiritual aspiration and inquiry. Mantra is